Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Scratch Creation

Today we got challenged to make a scratch comic, using coding. What we had to do was pick a superhero and make a story about it doing certain things. Our superhero was a guide dog for blind people. We had to make the guide dog do certain things. Some of the things were a starter project in which we got the dog to guide a lady across a road. The next activity was show off with a super spin. What you had to do for that one was the dog had to do a spin in the road. The next one was it had to fly over buildings, but our dog couldn’t fly over buildings so we just made it cross a road again because it was a guide dog and doesn’t fly over buildings. Neatly was you had to add background music. Then you had to support your hero. By doing that you would just add in another character. There was also keeping the score by creating a game by programming your hero to collect objects. The last one is draw your own hero, and what you had to do was use the paint editor in scratch and make your own hero. Scratch was a really fun activity and maybe one day you could try it for yourself.